Following the tremendous success of our EKC book club last Fall, we heard educators from all corners of the globe asking for more opportunities to get together. Our new EKC Global Chats series is a space for sharing, asking for support, and brainstorming together.
Each month, we will tackle a different hot topic in literacy with an expert in the field, and then join in some global camaraderie and discussion. It's free to join!
Chat: September 22 | 7:00-8:00am EST
Topic: "Translating the MTSS Framework to YOUR School"
When we at EKC think MTSS, we think Dr Stephanie Stollar of Reading Science Academy (plus a bunch of her guest spots on podcast episodes, conference presentations, and leading the first meetings of The Reading League's book club this summer). Stephanie has the knowledge, helpful resources, and a clearcut approach to reading science and its practical application to literacy instruction and we are BEYOND thrilled she’ll be joining us for our next EKC Global Chat! Have you and your colleagues gathered literacy assessment data and are now thinking WHAT NEXT? Or are you asking, "where should we spend our energy as a school if we’re just beginning to look at our approach to intervention?"
Come for the discussion with Erin and Stephanie and stay for the breakout sessions to hash out what this means for YOUR students with colleagues from around the globe!